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Month: February 2020

Chapter 95: The Fellowship

“My sssweet elvess, we will go to the Grove,” she commanded them, “It is a good place to go becaussse there is a reverssse Hellgate nearby.” Aoda then turned to her chosen. Acantha, Morn and Jade stood waiting expectantly. “It will be a long time waiting.” “Perhaps we can find more, reverse Hellgates I mean, one outside the continent perhaps.” said Acantha. “Hmm, yesss, good thinking. I like that. Let me know when you found anything of importansss.” Aoda turned an, together with Effy and Shesha, herded her confused elves towards the southwest. They would go their separate ways and…

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Chapter 94: Long Lost Pal

That afternoon the Truepath clan arrived together with Effy, Aoda and a third powerful looking lady, whom Morn identified as Shesha. Both the people of the Grove, as well as some from the desert were with them. When Jade saw Aoda, she ran to her tent to fetch something and within a few minutes she returned to greet her Totem. “Good job, my little asssasssin,” Aoda said to Jade when they finally met. “But, we failed, to stop the Watergate.” “You did fail, but you came with another sssolution and you directed it ssso well. I am proud of you.”…

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Chapter 93: Titanic Display

After Iris had flown her cloud back down to let the three of them step off, she returned to her Chroma, who were, instead setting up camp, having a party. “We should go to Avron, tell him about Majora,” said Jade. With nothing to do but wait for all the clans to gather, Morn and Acantha agreed to tag along. Jade walked past two masked guards into a large tent filled with bedrolls. Avron himself sat on a chair in the exact center of the tent. Acantha and Morn followed, but remained at the entrance of the tent, close enough…

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Chapter 92: Bones of Faith

Jade had never seen Iris before and she had never bothered Morn for a description. But she had always assumed that the Totem of the Chroma, who were all orcs, would be an orc. In any case she had not expected that Iris would look the way she did, like an elf with a fair skin and long golden hair, wearing a white dress. The Chroma were ecstatic, they had probably also never seen their Totem before since she lived up in the clouds in a garden paradise. As the group of colorful orcs and squig drew nearer, Jade could…

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