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Chapter 2: A clean palate

When Golden-Eyes Aoda came to the Grove, she brought with her a small group of followers. All of them were elves, except for one. This follower stood out so much that the many differences among the elves almost went unnoticed. Its skin was so very yellow it seemed to reflect all sunlight. And it wore only a simple loincloth so that its bulky muscles were on full display. Acantha knew this creature to be an orc. She had seen orcs travel through the forest every now and then. Most of them went by in larger groups, their skin was hairless and always in bright colors. The yellow orc seemed out of place in all regards but in its manner. It acted as if it was supposed to be here and the Grove was his home already. In this way, the orc was very similar to the elves, who, when inquired, did not remember a thing from their time before settling in the Grove.

The plant spawn that originally inhabited the Grove were surprised by the strange visitors setting up camp in their home. Though surprised is putting it mildly. They had been living here for a long time and grown stuck to their surroundings, some of them quite literally. Spawn change their features to resemble the things they eat. If a spawn eats much of the same, they increasingly become more like it. For a spawn, a varied diet is important, so that they don’t become encumbered with unwanted features. Most clans have someone that guides their fellow spawn in how to prevent this. These guides are called Shapers and they serve the clan as a visionary dietician. Next to making sure the current generation adapts properly, Shapers also plan ahead and foresee how their current meal plan impacts potential offspring. The role of a Shaper can vary per clan. In some clans a Shaper is a thoughtful person making suggestions here and there, in other clans a Shaper can be the center of religion. In the Grove, a role resembling a Shaper has been long gone. The spawn in the Grove, and their predecessors, had fed on plants. Thus they became more like the trees and bushes in the forest. Still, most of them had useful humanoid features, such as arms, legs and a face. Acantha was one of the lucky ones and her humanoid form was enhanced with the most useful features of a bramble bush. Her green skin was tough like bark and she had long, thorny vines which she used to repel anyone that entered their home unwanted.

Acantha was thrilled about the recent developments. A Totem came to them to give them a purpose! Just think of the changes to come and new chances to learn! Though, she was not yet sure how she felt about the new people that were settling in her home. The elves had only just arrived and already they were setting up tents and foraging food. A business she was quite unfamiliar with. She could see that her fellow spawn were having trouble to take it all in. Compared to her clan mates Acantha was by far the most inquisitive and progressive thinker. Often she wondered if there should be more to life than to stand around and enjoy the weather. In the Grove, change had not been on the menu. Not until now.

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